Friday, October 17, 2008

Almost there.....38 weeks on Monday!

I can hardly believe that I'll get to meet my little girl in 10 days! It seems all to fast and then again a long time coming. On Monday I'll be 38 weeks, and they are inducing me on the following Monday 10/27. I went to the doctor's yesterday. I'm measuring perfect and her heart rate was great. This, however, is around the time when things started not going right with Jacob, so I'm all sorts of anxious. The doctor asked if she was moving as much as usual, and I responded honestly with "No". I'm sure it's due to the fact that there's not nearly as much room in there as there used to be, but none the less, they didn't like my answer, so they hooked me up to the monitors to be sure. They did a non-stress test to monitor contractions and the baby's heartbeat over a 20 minute period. This is the test that Jacob failed.....Lilly, however, passed with flying colors! All is well with her and I got to see my contractions on paper! That's right people....we are contracting over here! I hope I can make it until the 27th....anyone who knows my Type A personality can appreciate that any earlier would really throw off my plan:) Here's hoping for a fast 10 more days!

1 comment:

Jen said...

SO excited for you. Don't be anxious... every pregnancy is different and your body knows better what to do this time! She'll be happy and healthy and here in no time. Enjoy the next week and the upcoming hospital stay... I enjoyed the peace myself! :)